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Humbuckers Outlined


The biggest and most known winders today. Hand and machine wound. Prices in all ranges usually due to high selection

Seymour Duncan (Started as a one man operation. Today, the most known winder there is with maintained integrity)  ★★★★ 🇺🇸
Dimarzio (Most profiled within rock, but caters to anything really. Still doing quality stuff for affordable prices) ★★★★ 🇺🇸
Fender (Fenders own in-house pickups. Been winding pickups since the 50´s) ★★  / ★★★★  🇺🇸 /🇲🇽
Gibson (Official Gibson Humbuckers and LP pups ) ★★★

EMG (Another metal players choice since 1975. Famous for their active pickups) ★★★★ 🇺🇸
Bare Knuckle (UK based. A boutique winder gone huge in later years and ships worldwide)
★★★★ 🇬🇧
Lace Music (Noiseless pickups only. Came stock in some Fender models in 1985-1996) ★★

Lollar Pickups (A firm favorite by many.. became famous for P-90s and the Imperial Humbuckers) ★★★★★ 🇺🇸
Fishman (Mostly known for acoustic systems, But scored big with Fluence models) ★★★

Suhr (John Suhr has done major stuff with his guitars. Try his pickups as well) ★★★★☆ 🇺🇸


Highly regarded, always in demand. One-Man operations or smaller staffed workshops risen from humble beginnings

Don Mare (Don specialises in 50´s sounding Tele & Strat .Coming soon to Reverb. No more taking orders) ★★★★★  🇺🇸 🏆

Ron Ellis | FB (Holy Grail pups for the price. Ron tests his pickups and every part he is supplied in a lab ) ★★★★★★  🇺🇸🏆

Tom Holmes Co. (Nashville based. One of them highly esteemed winders of our times. Call for order) ★★★★★  🇺🇸🏆
J.M Rolph Pickups (Top grade. Please set off an whole evening on the phone if you call to order😄) ★★
★★  🇺🇸​

Kinman Pickups (King of Noise and Hum free PU´s. Chris Kinman takes his creation seriously.) ★★★★★     🇦🇺/🇵🇭

Klein Pickups (I advice you to not order from Klein right now. He has issues delivering and does not answer emails) ★★★★  🇺🇸

O.C Duff (Owen Duffy has been winding Single-coils for 20 years. A well known in the guitar circuits) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

Cream T Pickups (Associated with ZZ Top, Beck etc. Grew out of Norway from a garage in Oslo) ★★★★ 🇬🇧

Lindy Fralin (Highly respected and knowledgeable winder. Top service) ★★★☆ 🇺🇸

TV Jones (World famous Filteron maker. Brian Seltzer loves them, Fender has even used them) ★★★ 🇺🇸
Van Zandt Pickups (Texas based. W. L. Van Zandt passed away in 1997. His family continues his legacy)★★★★ 🇺🇸

Throbak (Pedal, strings and outrageous priced Pickups.) ★★★★★★ 🇺🇸


small or big, known and unknowns, cheap or costly..

8 Bomb Custom (PAF winde. Based in Belarus. Exclusively high price PAF Clones) ★★★★★★ 🇧🇾

Aero Instruments Pickups (Specialised in Bass pickups) 🇺🇸

Alexander Pribora (He sells both economy and premium pickup, he moved to Kazakstahn. Site is down.) ★★ /★★★★ 🇷🇺

Alegree Pickups (British winder from Surrey UK with a good selection) ★★★ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Auburn Electric Instruments (Indiana based. Just starting up.) 🇺🇸

Amalfitano Pickups (Winds for a few celebs. Has all types) ★★★★★ 🇺🇸

Amber Pickups (Amber is Wolfgang Damm who invented the P94 Pickup. German site only) ★★★★ 🇩🇪

Angeltone Pickups (Wisconsin based. Pickups made on old winding machines) ★★  🇺🇸

Antonio Di Gregorio (Seems to only operate his business by FB. acoustic and electric) ? 🇺🇸

Arcane Inc. (Winds all sorts of pickups)  🇺🇸

Armstrong Pickups (Kent Armstrongs son Dan runs this)  🇬🇧

Artec Sounds (Pickup supplier that winds for Tonerider and GFS. Only supply dealers) 🇰🇷

Arty's Custom Guitar (Austrian winder. Winds batches for sale periodically) ★★★ 🇦🇹

Azure Guitars (An icelandic winder living in Norway. Reachable on IG / FINN) ★★ 🇳🇴

Benson Custom (Good economical pickups for $39 each)  🇺🇸

BG Pickups (Brian Gunsher winds decent priced pickups from the Colorado Mountains)  ★★★  🇺🇸

Blackstock Pickups (This is YouTuber Phillip McNight's windery business. small selection of all sorts for now) ★★  🇺🇸

Bothmann's Pickups (Danish. Offers Telecasters, but no Strat pickups. His prices are pretty low.. Danish only.) 🇩🇰

Bootleg Guitars (Small selection. Crazy prices) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

Bootstrap Pickups (Very affordable and excellent quality. High in demand and superb Customer service)  🇺🇸

Boutique Pickups (Peter Florance legacy lives on. PUs made on his old tools and machines by his protegé) ★★ 🇺🇸

Brandonwound Pickups (Versatile Pickups and decent priced Single coils. run by two guys)  🇺🇸

Brierly Guitar Pickups (Australian winder) ★  🇦🇺
Bulldog Pickups (All sorts of low-priced pickups)

Burns London (Mostly pickups for their own guitars but knock yourself out and try and email them)  🇬🇧

BYOGuitar (New Hampshire based retailer with their own pickup line with affordable prices)  🇺🇸

CJLab Pickups (Their ST-pickups are machine wound.) ★☆ 🇺🇸

Catwhisker Pickups (Long time UK winder with economy based pups.. Meow!)  🇬🇧

Cavalier Pickups (Rob DiStefano is a legend pickup maker. He makes Tele pickups exclusively for ok price)  🇺🇸

Cetera Pickups (Swizz base winder for OK price.)  🇨🇭

Cecca Pickups (French winders with a very small (one set model) selection) ★★★ 🇪🇬

Coils Boutique (German small shop. All styles with HSH and HSS sets) ★★  🇩🇪

CMDaugherty Handwound (Texas based winder that does tasty 50¨s and 60´s pickup with relic too)  🇺🇸
Colmax Pickups (Canadian winders. HB and Single-coil.) ★★ 🇨🇦

Corsa Guitars (Tiny selection of humbuckers) ★★ 🇺🇸

Curtis Novak  (Small team from Cali and fairly well known. with a wide range of styles including MOSRITE) ★★ 🇺🇸

Customy Pickups (Brazilian winder that only takes order trough Whatsapp? strange tactics) ★★ 🇧🇷

Darkmoon NYC (Fair price sets from these winders, but where is the Buynow button?)  🇺🇸

David Barfuss (German winder of several styles, but with a bad website) ★★ 🇩🇪

David Allen Pickups (Outsourced to Asia. Wound at the same factory as Tonerider) ★★ 🇺🇸 🇨🇳

Dawgtown Custom Shop (Unknown winder from US. Sells on Reverb. Throw him a bone. ) 🇺🇸

Deacci Pickups (Irish winders. Does only sells you pickup if you visit their shop for instore fitting only) ★★ 🇮🇪

De Lisle Guitar Co. (Cozy amp, pedal and pickup winder company. Design your own pups) ★★ 🇺🇸

DeTemple Guitars (One man army luthier and winder) ★★ 🇺🇸

DS Pickups (Argentinian winders. Does not sell online. Distributes to other shops)  🇦🇷

DGN Custom Guitars (Primarily a effects pedal builder, but offers some pickups too) ★★★ 🇺🇸

Dolezal´s Boutique (Croatian. Refurbish & rewinds old pickups along with new ones. Prices vary therefore) ★★★★★ 🇭🇷

Dominger Pickups (Decent priced made by rockin' couple. Sold trough ETSY) ★☆ 🇺🇸

Dommenget Guitars (German based luthier and winder of PAFs. His site is outdated) 🇩🇪 

Donovan Pickups New winder from US. Website shows HB only but lets see if he expands. 🇺🇸 

Dragonfire Pickups (Active pickups on the cheap. EMG on budget if you may? Asian made pickups) 🇺🇸 

Dronski Pickups (Chezh Republic based. Facebook only)? 🇨🇿

Doyle Coils (Clone winder of PAFs and Humbuckers. Expensive) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

Duneland Labs (Humbuckers only. Does wind for a few profiled musicians) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

Dylan Pickups (Youtuber Dylan Talks Tone. Fame comes with a price) ★★★ 🇺🇸

Edmire Pickups  (Norwegian winder. Website is forever under construction. Try his FB) ? 🇳🇴

Eastgrove Pickups (Peter is NYC based with super affordable pickups. FB Based and sells on Ebay and Reverb) ★★ / ★★★🇺🇸
E-Dis Pickups (Croatian maker. Order and prices by e-mail only) ? 🇭🇷

Eternal Guitars (Luthier and winders with option of relicing) ★★★ 🇬🇧

Euphony Pickups (Polish makers, They have reasonable relic PU covers and knobs) ★★ 🇵🇱

FatPups (Small but good & cheap selection for Strat and Tele.) ★★ 🇺🇸

Fleor/Oripure Both are economy inhouse brand of IKN Music in China. Supposedly good sounding  ★/★★ 🇨🇳

Fletcher Pickups (Median priced pickups from Ben. Based in Birmingham, England) ★★★ 🇬🇧

Flametone Pickups (Italian maker of pricey clones. Good quality aging of his products. Price on aggreement) ★★  🇮🇹
Fred Stuart Guitars (Well known luthier, makes pricey pickups too)
★★ 🇺🇸

Foothill Pickups (They wind pickups AND they fix your swimming pool. Ask for package deal! 😄 Seems inactive ) 🇺🇸
Fokin Pickups (In  mother Russia, the pickups winds you. Fokin´cheap pickups)

Gas Pickups (Greek winder with pricery stuff. Very informative about his pickups. Plenty of read in there) ★★★ 🇬🇷

Gemini Pickups (Wales based since 2006)  🇬🇧

General Vintage Tone (They make both affordable and outrageously expensive pickups) ★★★  / ★★★★ 🇪🇸
Genesis Pickups (Website closed, sells only trough Reverb now. Signature Strat pups only FB)
★★★ 🇺🇸

GFS GuitarFetish (Well known seller with pickups for under $20 each. Wound by Artec in Korea but with quality control) ★ 🇺🇸

Ghost Winders (These guys only sell in bulk of 10 set or more to Luthiers/ builders. Check Ebay/Reverb for used) 🇺🇸

Good Tone Pickups (Swizz made.For Strat, Tele, Bass + Humbucker.) ★★★  🇨🇭

Grinning Dog Pickups (Japanese One-Man operation. For orderTry his FB) ★★★ 🇯🇵

Guitar Madness (Super affordable pickups out of east coast US. I refuse to believe these are handwound.)  🇺🇸

Guitarish (Viggo is based in Bergen Norway. Small little shop that winds all sorts) ★☆ 🇳🇴

H20 Pickups (Bass & Pickups & custom winder. doin it for 20 years. out of North Carolina) ★★★  🇺🇸 

Hanson Pickups (Chicago based. Website is horribly outdated. Order by contact only)  🇺🇸
Harmonic Design (90´s Website. All sorts of pickups) 
★★ 🇺🇸

Hatters Pickup (British dapper gents who winds single coils. No info on price. Winds and then Sells on Ebay🇬🇧

Häussel Pickups (German based. Website German only) ★★★★ 🇩🇪

Hepcat Pickups (Handwound expensive sets. French site only) ★★★ 🇫🇷
High Order Pickups (90´s website. Order by Email only)
★★  🇺🇸

Hoagland Custom (Mostly known for harnesses, but sells complete guards only. And is not to bad price) ★★ 🇺🇸

Holly`s Handwound (Sarah Marie is the only Female boutique winder on this list. Only sell on Ebay since 2007) ★★  🇺🇸

Homewrecker Pickups (L.A based. Only Humbuckers and Bass pickups) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

House Of Tones (Guitar Magazine voted these fellas for making the best PAF replicas.) ★★ 🇬🇧

IronGear Pickups (The British equivalent to Bootstraps. Very cheap, hands wound sets )  🇬🇧

I-Spiria (Italian. Basically for Italian since his site is in Italian only. No prices to be seen) 🇮🇹

IUSO Pickups (Italian winder with broad selection of Bass and Electrics.) ★ ★★  🇮🇹

Ironstone Pickups (Ok budget pickups from UK.) ★★  🇬🇧

Jalen Guitar (Likes to do buckers. But does single coil on custom order. Sells on Reverb and Ebay) ★★  🇺🇸

Jess Loureiro (Fair priced sets. Website gone but sells trough Guitars Exchange. Also on IG★★★ 🇪🇸

Jim Wagner Pickups (Main biz is PAFs and Buckers.) ★★★★★ 🇺🇸

Joe Barden (Joe Barden has since retired, but JBE is still running under new management) ★★★★★  🇺🇸

Joel Byron (Want a certain sound? Joel knows. You can only reach him on phone (706) 372-4972) 🇺🇸

JJ's Guitar Pickups (Aussies that winds some nice pup) ★★★★ 🇦🇺
J. S Moore Custom  (90´s website again. Fairly priced pickups) ★★★☆ 🇺🇸

Juicy Pickups (You tell me if they are juicy) ★★★★ 🇬🇧

K-Line Guitars (Fender model guitar builder. And off course pickups....) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

K&T Modern Vintage Guitar  (Jun Takano spins fine pickups in his shop. Are the prices real?) ★★★★★ 🇯🇵

Kent Armstrong Handwounds (Kent owns WD music. Offer a selection of pickups) ★★★★ 🇬🇧

Kinsley Custom Guitar (Wyoming based winder. Reverb Only Unknown status) ★★★ 🇺🇸

Kloppman Electrics (German winder with tall price range) ★★★★ 🇩🇪

Kiyst Pickups (Back in action. Handwound for under $100 for a Strat Set. Based in Virginia ★★ 🇺🇸

Lawing Musical Prod / Zexcoil (A lesser known challenger in the hum-free department from Dr. Lawing) ★★★★★ 🇺🇸
Leddin Vintage Guitars (They offer mostly parts, lots, bulk of vintage stuff and rewound vintage Pickups) ★★★★ 🇦🇺 

LeoSounds (German based winder, all styles with nice prices. Finally a economic german winder)  ★★★ 🇩🇪

Lukérwind  (Based in Wales UK. Mostly single coils and Fender style.. Variable but OK prices on Ebay) ★★★  🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

Lundgren Guitar Pickups (Swedish high-end winds. All types, all era's) ★★★★ 🇸🇪

Luther Lee Pickups (New Jersey based. Makes for Strat, Tele, LP and does P90´s. Also repairs and do rewinds.) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

M.P Pickups Italian site.. Classic style pickups and not so bad priced either.  ★★★ 🇮🇹

Malagoli Pickups (Brazillian. Good selection and good prices) ★★★★ 🇧🇷

Madhouse Designs (order on FB only. On & off winder due to health issues) ★★★ 🇺🇸

Magnetics Pickups Based in Rome.. They make some incredibly pricey pickups ($570 for a set) ★★★★ 🇮🇹

Mama Pickups (Italian winder for all sorts. Also bass pickups. They also do custom work) ★★★★★ 🇮🇹

Manlius Guitar (N.Y based small operation winders) ★★★★  🇺🇸

Manson Pickups Formerly known as Psychopaf. He makes Humbucker style pickups only. ★★★ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Mark Foley (Great stuff from UK. Check his FB. Also makes repro hardware) ★★★★ 🇬🇧
Masa Handmade (Sells on Ebay. Korean made Fender copies with hillarious descriptions. But they are decent pickups)

Mason Electrics (Norwegian winder and electric service man.) 🇳🇴

McPherson Music New Zealand based. They sell humbuckers only, some acoustic systems. No single coils ***** 🇳🇿

McCon-O-Wah (Previously Bell Tone Pickups. Baltimore winder and Wah-makers) ★★ 🇺🇸

McNelly Pickups (Canada based. Several types with about 10 weeks leadtime) ★★★★  🇨🇦
Migas Touch Pickups (US based with nice spun and numbered pickups. Nice price. Ships US Only) ★★★★ 🇺🇸
MJS Customs (Canadian winder, order by email/forms only) ★★★ 🇨🇦
Mojo Gear (Bulgarian pedal maker and pickup winders)  

Mojo Pickups (Like GVT, offer cheap and NOS pickups) ★  / ★★★★★ 🇬🇧

Mojotone (Large business: Amps, pedals etc, but they make pickups too) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

Monstertone Pickups (Owned by Schecter now. Probably asian made) ★★ 🇺🇸

Montances Guitar Wiring (Based in the Phillipines. Sells both handwound and Machinewound) 🇵🇭 ★  / ★★★
Montreux Guitars (Japanese store. Offering vintage wound pups)
★★★ 🇯🇵

Moondot Music  (Irish luthier, also makes pickups) ★★★  🇮🇪

Monty´s Guitars (Matt was a apprentice of Charlie Chandler. Famous for his Danish Pete Signature PU.s) ★★★★ 🇬🇧
Motor City Pickups (all sorts for all player. based in Detroit) ★★★★★  🇺🇸

Musiclily (China based parts vendor with their own budget pickups. Find them on Amazon)  ★  🇨🇳

Murray Guitars Adelaide winder since 2020 ★★★  🇦🇺

Mr. Fabulous Guitars Austraiian vendor from Heathmont who winds his own pickups. Also on Reverb. ★★★  🇦🇺

Mr. Glyns Pickups (New Zealand Winder. Only i know of. Fair priced too) ★★  🇦🇺

Nick Silver Pickups (Based in Greece. Small but verstatile collection. Pricey tho) ★★★★★ 🇬🇷

Nine One Six Pickups (Sacramento based. Very custom stuff) ★★★ 🇺🇸

Nordstrand Audio (Small selection for median prices) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

Nothern Pickups (Huddersfield based. Decent priced. PAF´s, Strat, Tele and Bass) ★★ 🇬🇧

NOwaxx Pickups (German based, all styles handwound but can be pricey) ★★★★ / ★★★★★  🇩🇪 

ODEZZA Handwound Pickups (Kansas based winder. Does custom designs if you looking) ★★★ 🇺🇸
Oil City Pickups (Greasy pickups for slick prices)
★★☆ 🇬🇧

Old Bones Pickups (Suffolk based. one-man operated windery) ★★★★ 🇬🇧

Onamac Windery (Fair priced. Good selection. the choice of Whitfill Guitars) ★★★☆ 🇺🇸
Ormsby Guitars (Primarily a luthier with emphasis on metal shredders, Therefore only HB pickups) ★ / 
★★ 🇦🇺 
OX4 Pickups (British winder with a small selection) ★★★★ 🇬🇧
Palatine Pickups (German winder with nice prices. Also offers one-off prototypes. New Site) ★★★  🇩🇪

Pariah Pickups (Small selection of buckers and one set of Single coil based in Detroit.)  ★★★★ 🇺🇸

Paul Reed Smith (Needs no introduction really. Humbuckers only) ★★★★★ 🇺🇸

Pete Biltoft / Vintage Vibe (Fairly unknown. But makes all styles. Outdated Site) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

Pete Flynn From Wisconsin you get Excelent PAFs. But he also do single coils. Not cheap but highly rated  ★★★★★★ 🇺🇸
Perthshire Guitar Service (A dutch luthier based in Scotland.  He can wind you pickups as well. ) ★★★★ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Pickupmakers (Italian winders. Site is in Italian only) ★★ 🇮🇹

Pickup Winders (Sells only flatwork, magnets and other PU parts only. But no info where they send from)

Planet Tone Pickup Co. (Based in Denver. Good customisable selection and low prices) ★★★ 🇺🇸

Porter Pickups (Idaho based. Good website, all sorts of pups and OK prices) ★★★ 🇺🇸

Q-Pickups (Croatia based. Sells mostly on Reverb now. Experiments and do one-offs as well) ★★★ / ★★★★  🇭🇷

Q-Tuner Pickups (Unique futuristic designs from these guys) ★★★★ 🇺🇸
QRZ Pickups (Norwegian. is a guitar parts seller with their own in-house winder)
★★★ 🇳🇴

R.M.Pickups (Chezh Republic winder for nice price. Not sure if handmade)   🇨🇿

RS Guitarworks They sell parts, necks and all that. But also have their own pickups.★★★☆ 🇺🇸

Raw Vintage (Raw Vintage is part of Exotic Guitars. Also known for their trem springs and saddles too) ★★★★  🇺🇸

RebelRelic Guitars  They have a thing for relic stuff. Spins their own small selection of vintage pickups ★★★★ 🇳🇱

Redding Street Pickups (more known as Ckuz Pickups. Decent prices) ★★ 🇺🇸

Red Rock Pickups (Do all kinds. But seem to specialize in P90. They dont have a website.  FB and Reverb only) ? 🇺🇸

Reilander Custom (Canadian winder you can find him on Instagram ★★★ 🇨🇦

Reverend Guitar (Known for parts, guitars and pickups)★★☆ 🇺🇸

ReWind Pickups (Offering vintage wound pups for grand dollars) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

Radioshop Pickups (Wide selection. All sets can be pre-wired for you.) ★★★★★ 🇬🇧

Railhammer (Metal heads Based in Ohio, pickups are made in South Korea with tight control on specs and quality parts.) ★★★

Revel Custom Pickups (Great selection for fair prices. Easy to navigate site) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

Rio Grande Pickups (Texas for sure. Wide selection with various price range) ★★★★ /  ★★★★★  🇺🇸

Rocketfire Pickups (Small selection. Can be found in Danocaster guitars) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

Ron Kirn (Ron makes excellent guitars. He also winds for his own creations only. But Shoot him an email and ask.) 🇺🇸
Roswell Pickups (Believe these have something to do with Wilkinson. Formerly known as WSC. Asian made) ★★ / ★★★

Rumpelstiltskin Pickups (His pickups scream expensive. But they are actually quite fair priced) ★★ 🇺🇸

Sanford Magnetics (Humbuckers and P90´s only at acceptable prices) ★★ 🇨🇦

SB Pickups (Spencer is a fresh winder of Strat PUs  on the scene. Website coming. Does Email for the time being ) ★★ 🇺🇸

Sentell Pickups (All sorts, rewind service. But can custom build any weird stuff for you) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

Shed Pickups (Back again from a long hiatus. All sorts based in Cardiff UK) ★★★★★ 🇬🇧

Sheptone (Humbucker specialists, Keep in mind: Jeff Sheppard has sold this company. Now under new management) ★★ 🇺🇸

Sigil Pickups (Canadian hand wounds. High cost) ★★★★★ 🇨🇦

Silverhand Pickups (Standard priced pups. Good tidy website) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

Sliders Pickups (Loads of talk about vintage correctness. But how do you buy?) 🇦🇺
SK Guitar Pickups (This guy does not do vintage style stuff. He makes a pickup suited for YOUR Needs) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

SKG Custom (SKG is a Polish luthier of guitars who offer a small selection of expensive PU on Reverb) ★★★★  🇵🇱

Skywood Pickups (Excellent value for you. Straight from California. Reverb Only) ★★ 🇺🇸
SP Custom Pickups (French winder of all sorts)
★★★ 🇫🇷

Space Llama Pickups Arizona based winder with a small selection of pickups. ★★★ 🇺🇸

Spirit Pickups North East UK. Alan Dingwall winds in demand stuff. Strat, Tele and PAF. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Sonny´s Custom Shop (Fair priced sets for Strat and Gibsons) ★★ 🇺🇸

SoulTone Pickups (Good prices and wide selection) ★★★ 🇺🇸

Soulshine Pickups (Dutch winder. Fairly priced) ★★★★ 🇳🇱
Sublime Pickups (Budapest based with cool graphical custom Pickup covers. FB only) 🇭🇺

Stephens Design (slightly outdated website, custom pups for a price) ★★★★★ 🇺🇸

Stew Mac (Their Golden Age pickups are gone. No more economic pickups from SM anymore) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

Stonewall Pickups (Nice selection of handwound stuff but pricey) ★★★★★ 🇺🇸

Sunday Handwound (Jazzmaster and Strat /Tele for good prices) ★★★ 🇺🇸

The Buzztone (Winds only PAF pickups) ★★★ 🇺🇸

T.K. Smith (Luthier with a small selection of non-traditional pickups) ★★★ 🇺🇸

Tesla Pickups (Asian pickup production. Machine wound but some handwound. For any stringed instruments) 

TexasWound Boutique (Lonestar State winder. Standard priced pickups) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

Theo Dahlem Pickups (FB only, Custom pickups and restoration with analysis involved) ★★★ 🇩🇪

The Creamery (Justin makes fine English pickups) ★★ 🇬🇧

The Little Guitar Shop (Brummie shop that winds pups too) ★★★★ 🇬🇧

Tiki-Man Guitar Pickups (Seem to operate only from FB. Winder from Ozark Missouri) 🇺🇸

Toltec Pickups  FB (Leeds UK. Seems to have good prices on his pickups)  🇬🇧

Tone Emporium (Reasonable pickup sets from Canada. Asian made)  🇨🇦

Tone Hatch (Hand wound and super affordable pups from Nebraska)  🇺🇸

Tone Specific Guitar Co. (Run by three guys. Famously known to be behind the fictional Virgil Arlo name) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

Tonerider (Popular company. Their pickups are wound in Korea by Artec but with quality components)  🇬🇧

Tom Anderson (Mostly known for his guitars, but he makes pickups to sell too) ★★★  🇺🇸

Tom Brantley Rewinds (Geddy Lee´s repair man. Sells pickups too) ★★ / ★★★★ 🇨🇦

Timpson / TDM Pickups (Pickups not listed at the site. Shoot them an email) 🇺🇸

Tornade MS Pickups (french winder. Signature sets and such. Costly)  ★★★★★ 🇪🇬

Trakhmann Pickups (Russian. Seems like a distributor only. No option to buy online from them) 🇷🇺

Tuma Pickups Czech Republic. Deals on FB Only 🇨🇿
Tyson Tone Lab (Loves Bucker and P90´s, only one set of Strat Singlecoil) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

Ubertar Hexaphonic Pickups (No idea what he is selling, but it looks funky and experimental) ★★★ ?

Valenti Guitars (Luthier that also do pickups for you.) 🇫🇷

Vanson Guitars Affordable asian produced pickup sets for just $50. Also cheap parts. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Vaughn Skow (Nashville based. Tele and PRS pickup upgrades) ★★★ 🇺🇸

Vineham Pickups (Well know winder with excellent prices) ★★★ 🇨🇦

Vuorensaku Guitars (Luthier from Finland, Billy Gibbons bought one of his axes. Also makes pickups) 🇫🇮

Waaah Pickups. Cheap pickups on AliExpress with scary good details. Will try these one day.🇨🇳 

Warman Guitars (British design / Eastern made. But check "The Bunker" for one-off experimental pickups)  ★★ 🇬🇧
Wilde / Bill Lawrence (Bill Lawrence ✝︎ was an engineer legend. Run by his family now) ★★★ 🇺🇸

Wiggins BrandWilliam Wiggins has been winding since late 1990's..Wood bobbin :) ★★★  🇺🇸
Wilkinson (Most famous for bridge assemblies. But makes cheap asian made budget pups too) ★ /   ★★

Widdershins Pickups Canadian winder of colorful humbuckers and P90´s ★★★ 🇨🇦

Wizz Pickups (Croatian winder who clone artists P.A.F´s only and sells them for crazy prices) ★★★★★★ 🇭🇷

Wolfetone Pickups (Seattle based winder since 1998) ★★★★ 🇺🇸

Zhangbucker (Not just 'buckers but all kinds) ★★★★★ 🇺🇸​


These makers specialize entirely or mostly on amplication for acoustic gutirars

Dean Markley (Most knon for string. But has a tiny selection of pickups too)  🇺🇸

Fishman (Already listed, but you find Fishman systems pre-mounted on thousands of acoustic guitars then and now) ★★ 🇺🇸

L.R. Baggs. (Fantastic systems. The professionals choice) ★★★ 🇺🇸

DeArmond (Old pickup maker. For Accoustic and Archtops only) ★★ 🇺🇸

K&K Sound (Born in Germany, but moved to Oregon USA in 1995.. Whatever you can beat a stick at, K&K can mic it. ★★★  🇺🇸

KNA Pickups (For any accoustic string instruments)  🇺🇸

Schatten Design (Wide range pickups for any acoustic stringed instruments) ★★  /  ★★★🇨🇦

Schertler (Swizz company making tranducer pickups for several accoustic string instruments) ??? 🇨🇭

Shadow Electronics They have plenty of system for anything acoustic systems. 🇺🇸★★

Surdo Pickups (italian made mics. Blogspot page) ? 🇮🇹
Submarine Pickups (British unique pickup maker for not only acoustic but any steel stringer)

Sunrise Pickups (Jim Kaufman makes high-end acoustic pickup systems). Used by Keith Richarde etc ★★★★★

You may contribute if you know of any winders not found on this list. Send me an email so i can add them or comment on

the Google Spreadsheet (link at the top)

This directory is checked one or two times a year for winders still in, or out of business. New ones added from time to time.
Please visit THIS SITE for some in-deep specs on several pickup models. (Thanks to Antigua at Strat-Talk

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